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From anxious activity to wise collective action: navigating uncertainty together

Human beings struggle with uncertainty. We’re not really designed for it. Whilst it varies from person to person, generally speaking…

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Organisational Development and HR
PULSE Learning Framework 1

PULSE Learning Framework

Our unique PULSE learning approach is compelling and puts you at the centre. From first contact, through your programme and…

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Photo of a man working at his laptop with another women also working in the background

Organisational Learning

In a volatile and uncertain world, it is essential that organisations learn faster than the pace of change.  At Roffey…

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Organisational Learning
Resilience, Change and Wellbeing

Change and Resilience

All organisations must have the capacity to adapt to a rapidly changing world.  Whether it comes in the form of…

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Change and Resilience
Management Development 1

Management Development

Expert managers are vital to the building and development of successful organisations.  Progressive, inclusive and precise, an effective manager increases engagement, improves…

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Management Development
Leadership Development

Leadership Development

Roffey Park’s Leadership Development programmes are designed for people leading successful, sustainable and equitable organisations.  Our high impact leadership development learning programmes will enhance…

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Leadership Development
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