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Photo of a line of faces progressing from sad to happy

Coaching Fundamentals Part Three: Feedback

If – to use the metaphor from Part Two of Coaching Fundamentals – “coaching is a relationship between two people, in the moment, where one of them spins meaning out of their life story, and the other holds – and occasionally adjusts – the spinning wheel, and notices the patterns emerging”, how do those patterns get shared?…

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Photo of someone looking confused surrounded by question marks

Coaching Fundamentals Part Two: Questions

What makes a good question? Was this a good question? No. Why not? Because it was too wide, too open, too unoriginal, just plain too boring, to provoke a meaningful answer. Yes, you can get answers to just about any question, but not every answer makes the question worth asking. So then… what is a…

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Photo of someone with their hands to their ears to mimic listening

Coaching Fundamentals Part One: Listening

Are you a good listener? Do you get constant feedback how you always offer a sympathetic ear and a compassionate presence? Do your friends and acquaintances come to you with their problems and moans, safe in the knowledge that they will get a warm welcome, good hearing and no challenge? If so, you are probably…

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Photo of a notebook with the word 'practice' written 3 times

The importance of practice

A few nights ago I saw the film Whiplash, about a young jazz drummer and the somewhat controversial – and occasionally violent – coaching techniques employed by his teacher at a New York music academy. Among the other potential topics for debate that the film raises – such as whether the academy is modelled on…

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Change and Resilience
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