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Toxic Culture in the Workplace: What Can We Do?

It appears that we are lifting rocks in almost every avenue of society and discovering how prevalent toxic culture has become, whether it be in political parties, religious organisations, sports organisations or even amongst celebrities and their teams. Working in reverse from this discovery, can we unpack why these cultures occur? It is important to…

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Leadership Development
DNA of Personal Effectiveness white paper Research Download

The DNA of Personal Effectiveness

Developing personal effectiveness is essential today. Increasingly we need to influence people both in person and virtually utilising different form of communication. We are best able to do this through developing our confidence, clarity of purpose and the communication skills. Our roles as leaders or managers – in tough times, or during change – also…

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Leadership Development

Changing Global Context of the Expert leader

In the last few years, the world has seen some significant and global changes that have placed the role of experts as figureheads not only for stability, but for adaptability to disruption, and leadership through change. The transition from being an expert to leading teams of experts is crucial for organisational effectiveness in many contexts…

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Leadership Development
Delegation concept pin board.

Coaching and Delegating Skills – manage priorities & create growth opportunities

By James Choles and George Barnes. When thinking about coaching and delegation skills, I immediately think about how they can be used to manage priorities, which in turn can create growth opportunities. In fact, the ability to positively coach and delegate complement one another. Long gone are the days when leaders and managers had all…

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A women representing different behaviours.

Influencing Behaviour Change as a Leader  

Behaviour change is often seen as a gold standard for leadership development. Getting people to grasp what effective leadership is cognitively is one thing; enabling them to lead more effectively is another. As a manager the same is true. Getting team members to understand how they might do their job better is easier than helping…

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Leadership Development
Adult students in a classroom.

Leadership is Learning

Transformational leadership learning is vital for leaders who already know a lot about leading but want to go further. What leaders need in order to move from good to great is a wider perspective, increased comfort with ambiguity and greater tolerance for risk-taking, alongside more self-awareness and curiosity, and a more robust sense of self.…

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Leadership Development
Hybrid or office working symbol. Turned wooden cubes and changed words 'office working' to 'hybrid working

Hybrid Working and workplace gender equality

By Louisa Pattison, Research Consultant The benefits of Hybrid Working A year on from writing a whitepaper for Roffey Park Institute on ‘Female Leadership in the Workplace‘, I’ve been reflecting on how things have changed in terms of workplace gender balance now that hybrid working arrangements are generally more embedded in some shape of form.…

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Leadership Development

The Power of Improvisation in the Workplace

In the lead-up to Roffey Park Institute’s exclusive and anticipated 2-day improvisation (improv) in organisations workshop, which will be run by the well-renowned Neil Mullarkey and Henry Larsen, we sat down and spoke to Roffey Park employee and improv enthusiast Luca Pezzano to find out more. Luca has been partaking in improv classes for several…

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Leadership Development

Female Leadership in the Workplace: Leveraging the benefits of hybrid working

There is no question that building a workplace culture of gender balance and inclusivity is good for individuals, organisations and society. It is equally true that significant progress has been made to empower individuals from diverse backgrounds to achieve their full potential and thrive at work. In our latest whitepaper – Female Leadership in the…

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Leadership Development
“Moien” means hello

5 lessons leaders can learn from marathon running

I am incredibly passionate about sport and fitness and that passion tends to spread when I share my experiences and enthusiasm with others. I enjoy how sport and fitness can influence people in a positive way and I see this a lot when people join me for a run – sharing the feeling of achieving…

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Leadership Development

Trust and Culture: A review into the Met Police

Over a year on from the highly controversial partygate scandal and subsequent Sue Gray report, it seems reasonable to comment again on the declining lack of trust the people of the UK has in its leading public bodies, including the Met Police. Before, I drew upon the statistics of the 2022 Edelman Trust Barometer Global…

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Leadership Development

The Power of Roffey Park’s MSc with Fiby Francis

Recently we met with Fiby Francis, a previous Masters in People and OD participant and valued Roffey Park alumnus. During an incredibly deep and rich conversation, Fiby opened up about his journey throughout the MSc. He offered us an invaluable and raw account of what it took to manage his working life whilst remaining dedicated…

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Change and Resilience
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