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Trust declines for government and media; business still only trusted institution

Trust in Leadership

With Sue Gray’s report imminent, trust in leadership is as profound in our current world as it has been for some time. Looking like we are finally coming to some sort of end to the covid-19 pandemic, focus is now firmly on Boris Johnson and the well-known ‘partygate’ scandal. Timely enough the Edelman Trust Barometer…

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Leadership Development
The Year of the Tiger - Leadership Lessons from the Ultimate Apex Predator

The Year of the Tiger – Leadership Lessons from the Ultimate Apex Predator

An ancient symbol of courage, power, intelligence and leadership – the tiger has fully embedded itself in traditional Chinese Mythology and culture. As a unique cultural phenomenon, the tiger will forever live in the spiritual life of the Chinese people. This February welcomes the Chinese New Year and 2022 is the year of the Tiger,…

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Leadership Development
The Power of Presence

The Power of Presence

To be present means to be completely focussed and involved in a certain situation, conversation or experience. It is to relinquish all distractions and immerse oneself in that moment. Presence reveals itself. We believe our story; we convey confidence without arrogance and we communicate harmoniously. True confidence is comforting and arrogance is off-putting, it is…

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Leadership Development
photo showing an exam hall

The Joy of Exams

Many years ago, I had the dubious pleasure of regular run-ins with a senior academic colleague.  We’ll call him Professor X.  The rows we engaged in were generally good-natured – they became a kind of game – but were also very serious: they concerned the nature and function of ‘assessment’. Each semester we’d go through…

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Leadership Development
Building up a better leadership mind

Building up a better leadership mind

I challenge you to sit in silence for a couple of minutes, just two or three minutes will do. Pay attention to the sounds you are hearing, the sensations present in your body, the connection of your body to wherever you are sitting, your breath coming in and out. What do you notice? And what…

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Leadership Theories: Relationship Theory 4

Leadership Theories: Relationship Theory

Spearheading any successful organisation is a great leader who is followed by an inspired team. However, not one leader is the same and every manager differs in their approach to leadership. In fact, the discussion has not yet ended on what characteristics make the best leaders, or what the most successful leadership style is. There…

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Leadership Development
Personal Power

Realising Your Personal Power

As society advances there is more and more emphasis on the individual becoming the best possible version of themselves. No one encapsulates this focus as much as the recent US Open winner Emma Raducanu. Only a few months earlier Raducanu faced numerous critics for withdrawing from Wimbledon when defeat looked imminent. Many took the stance…

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Leadership Development
Reskilling for a Hybrid Workplace

Reskilling for a Hybrid Workplace

It was only a matter of time before the natural progression of the status quo workplace life coincided with the rapid rise of technology and it took the COVID-19 pandemic to act as the catalyst to facilitate change. Almost overnight we were forced into the unknown as suddenly working from home became the norm. Although…

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Change and Resilience
Photo of a loading bar with the word courage

Courage in the workplace

In any walk of life showing strength in the face of fear is a trait desired by so many and having courage in the workplace is just as important. Unlike certain unteachable skills, courage is a behaviour deep within us all and with the correct teaching and encouragement, one that can flourish. Courage is the…

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Leadership Development
Photo of train and station

The Psychology of Change

As people we enjoy comfort, routine, and a sense of security, but as soon as this is disrupted, we may experience both positive and negative, physical and psychological changes. Change is also prevalent in the working world and many of us would have never experienced change so significantly as we have in the last 24…

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Change and Resilience
Photo representing generation z in the workplace

Generation Z in the workplace – How can employers reshape the workplace post-pandemic?

Generation Z are the latest generation to cause concern as they begin to impact the workplace. Generational progression has always caused natural issues for employers and other members of the workforce due to the need to alter and change their culture and ethics to accommodate each generation’s needs. One significant difference with Generation Z is…

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Leadership Development
photo of painted speech bubble on brick wall

Unconscious bias and brave conversations

Bang on cue Raheem Sterling scores the winner for England as they secure top billing in their qualification group on Windrush Day. A great example of the integration of descendants from the British Commonwealth making their contribution for the benefit of England or the United Kingdom. Whilst this was a day of celebration and reflection…

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Leadership Development
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