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Leadership in Asia: Leadership Challenges through Covid-19

Whilst East Asia has been praised for responding to the COVID-19 pandemic faster and better than most of the West, it’s not been without its challenges, and with no end in sight, it continues to be a work in progress.  As every country struggles with the economic impact of the pandemic, every leader has at…

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Leadership Development
Once upon two times: leadership through storytelling 1

Once upon two times: leadership through storytelling

What is your organisation’s story?  Who wrote it?  Who is telling it?  If you’re in a leading position in your organisation and are puzzled by these questions, you may have a problem.  That’s because if you don’t know your story, you’ve almost certainly lost control of it. Let me tell you a story. A year…

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Leadership Development
Photo of child holding a bubble representing team trust

Why dialogue is key to building team trust

Do you trust your team? Remember a moment when you were working in a team and could express yourself comfortably, without boundaries, assumptions or, fear?  Were you able to express your best ideas? Did you feel like creativity was bursting through your body and mind? That could be a momentum of psychological safety built in…

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Leadership Development
Photo of a maze

Leading through change – where to start?

I do not know of a single organisation at the moment that is not going through change and adapting quickly to the COVID crisis. Much of the change is forced by the circumstances we face. Few organisations three or five year strategic plans had factored in a global pandemic. So it is no wonder that…

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Change and Resilience
Want to make a mid-career switch? 5 leadership skills you will need on your resume

Want to make a mid-career change? 5 leadership skills you will need on your CV

Regardless of the reason; a new year, a change in circumstance, feeling stifled or unfulfilled, a desire for something new, a mid-career change can be an exciting but daunting prospect. While taking a socially distanced walk with a friend in our local park, he shared that he was considering a career change after 25 years…

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Leadership Development
Leadership resilience: looking after yourself and leading others through crisis

Leadership resilience: looking after yourself and leading others through crisis

Why is leadership resilience so important? The global pandemic we are all experiencing is showing us that in our increasingly volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous world, leadership needs to enable agility, change, constant adaptation and collaborative innovation. More than that, it needs to also provide for the support and the trust many are currently missing: we…

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Leadership Development
Cultural Intelligence 1

Cultural Intelligence

In an ever more multi polar world our concepts of culture are evolving. In progress now is a shift, away from pre-eminently western ways of understanding the world towards worldviews that include diverse eastern and southern perspectives. In this world, the ability to ‘read’, see and sense these varied perspectives and respond to them, and…

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Leadership Development
Photo of a button that says ''New career start'

Five things no-one ever told you about a mid-life career change

I am of that generation (just) that assumed they’d have fairly simple career path.  A directionless school career followed by a less than vocational degree, a few short-term jobs and a slew of post-graduate degrees finally landed me in a university lectureship.  And that was going to be it, as I thought, until retirement.  A…

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Leadership Development
Photo of a blackboard saying '2021 goals'

Personal development goals for 2021 – how to achieve what you set out to

It’s that time of year again when we are bombarded by adverts on TV and Social Media platforms – “New Year, New You!” “Become the person you’ve always wanted to be!”  “This is your year!”.  All in an attempt to challenge us to make New Year resolutions. The concept of January resolutions is not new. …

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Leadership Development
Adaptive leadership practice

Adaptive leadership practice

The global pandemic has tested leadership skills across the world like never before.  It’s impacted every aspect of our lives.  It’s scary, uncertain and exhausting.  Organisations are grappling with how to adapt, transform and innovate and leaders are faced with tough decisions. The temptation for leaders is to adopt an authoritative leadership style to suck…

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Leadership Development
Effective leadership skills: why would you want to a leader?

Effective leadership skills: why would you want to be a leader?

Leadership is a tough gig.   Taking up a leadership position is one of the toughest roles we can choose but many of us enter into it without giving much thought to whether we truly want or understand all that comes with it. For some of us, leading comes naturally. For most, however, it takes significant…

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Leadership Development
photo of tealights representing resilience

Leadership Resilience: 4 Lessons from 2020 for 2021

2020 was unprecedented and throughout the year we heard from leaders sharing their recollections on leadership resilience as the year unfolded. One of the most memorable leadership resilience insights shared came from one leader, an older gent, with decades of experience in start-ups, comfortable in working with diverse teams, who described himself as accepting of…

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Change and Resilience
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