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Returning to work and scenario planning after a crisis situation

What is the future for our organisations after Covid-19? Business scenario planning and future thinking will be vital: do you know how to think the unthinkable? Covid-19 has brought new challenges to the workplace, highlighting the importance of resilience and wellbeing, refocusing how we think about scenario planning, and insisting we consider the future. In this short…

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Leadership Development
Photo of someone having a team meeting online

Managing remote teams: How to effectively manage remote employees

What is managing remote teams? If we’d asked this question before March 2020, the answers would have been very different to now, when most organisations have had a crash course in managing employees working from home. I’ve been a social scientist looking at this area for almost 15 years, and it has been fascinating to…

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Leadership Development
Photo of goals written a notepad beside a cup of coffee and a cactus

7 Essential Objectives of Management Development

What are the seven key things that a manager or leader needs to be or do? What do they need to develop? These questions have been at the heart of my working life for many years. But the demands and pressures of working remotely during the Covid-19 lockdown have, for me, brought into sharper focus…

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Leadership Development
Leadership Development

Leadership Development

Roffey Park’s Leadership Development programmes are designed for people leading successful, sustainable and equitable organisations.  Our high impact leadership development learning programmes will enhance and expand your leadership skills so that you can bring people together with positive purpose. Roffey Park’s Leadership Development programmes enable dynamic, collaborative learning based on real life application and cutting-edge research.  Combining face-to-face and…

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Leadership Development
Photo of a lady rock climbing

The Adaptive Challenge of COVID-19

COVID-19, Self-Isolation, Social-Distancing and Lockdown, new words in our everyday vocabulary. We are in a strange crisis, a battle with an unseen enemy. There is still a lot we don’t know and what we know adds to the complexity of the situation. We don’t know fully what the impact will be, how long this will…

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Leadership Development
Photo of two pairs of shoes, separated by the words 'Social Distancing'

Three things to pay attention to during social isolation

It’s my first week of ‘social confinement’.  As I look over my laptop screen towards the end of my garden, I am reminded that Eric Berne (1966) once wrote that “Most people become uneasy when they are faced with periods of unstructured time”.  How many of us are now find our lives unstructured, or even…

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Leadership Development
Photo of alphabet letters all jumbled together

Are you new to management? Here’s an A-Z guide to help you get those essential management skills

Whether you are new to management or have several years’ experience under your belt, being a successful people manager can be exciting and challenging – and one of the most important roles in any organisation. So, it’s important to manage well.  You could have the most fantastic workplace, on paper – but there’s truth in…

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Leadership Development
Photo of hands holding little wooden blocks that say 'SUPPORT'

Roffey Park’s support for you and your organisation: together we can get through this

As COVID-19 continues to spread uncertainty across the world, the health and safety of our clients, participants, employees and suppliers is our number one priority. We wanted to share some of the steps Roffey Park Institute is taking to support you over the coming few weeks. We’re going virtual and online for now We are…

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Leadership Development
Communication and trust during change

Communication and trust during change

In the UK, Professor Chris Whitty, Chief Medical Officer, and Sir Patrick Vallance, Chief Science Officer, have emerged as the calm, unflappable face of the UK’s response to the Coronavirus. On twitter users have compared Chris Whitty to James Bond, whilst others have suggested he is entrusted with Brexit negotiations.  It’s a significant U-turn for…

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Leadership Development
Photo of a team meeting at work being run by a women

Why leadership words matter: lessons from the Labour Party Leadership election

What leadership words come to mind when thinking about leadership? With the International Women’s Day just around the corner and voting underway in the Labour Party’s leadership contest, I couldn’t help but think again that although debated a lot, women and leadership is a relationship that we continue not to be able to square up.…

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Leadership Development
Photo of someone writing in a notebook with a cup of coffee

It was the best of lines, it was the worst of lines: On starting your story

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it…

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Leadership Development
Photo of a close up of someones eye and glasses

Organisation Development and The Future of Work

Margaret Wheatley and Myron Rogers (1996)* once wrote that ‘organisation is always an expression of identity’. I happen to agree with this insight. The act of organising is an act of identity formation whether the particular form is that of a corporation, a social movement, or a sports club. And I think this holds true…

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Leadership Development
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