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OD and connection in a Virtual World

We are living and working through strange and most likely transformative times. The global coronavirus pandemic is a challenge unlike any other facing individuals, businesses and organisations of all shapes and sizes. Even where this isn’t the case, the social distancing measures in place around the world have overnight forced us into a radical re-organisation…

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Organisational Development and HR
Abstract image representing an organisation

Organisational Development and HR

Organisational Development and Human Resources professionals put people at the heart of organisations.  Together they create a positive and inclusive working environment, encouraging collaboration, removing inequality, increasing performance.  HR and OD enable people to thrive. Roffey Park’s comprehensive OD and HR programmes are structured to enable you to develop your skills.  Learning essential, practical and advanced…

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Organisational Development and HR
Photo of a red block that says 'impact' with little emoticons around it

Rethinking the world of work: The Impact and Value of OD

If there was ever a time for organisation development to demonstrate its value and impact, that time is now. And there is so much value to be had. Organisations and individuals, dispersed and de-centred by a seismic shift in the global external landscape of health, work and economy, today face an existential challenge to adapt…

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Organisational Development and HR
Photo of a Rubik's cube

Rethinking the world of work: Problem solving using an OD mindset

In recent years and particularly recent weeks and days, the problems we face are becoming more complex in every domain of life. Working life is clearly not immune. A so-called Fourth Industrial Revolution was already upon us, now the global corona virus pandemic has de-centred the physical workplace, collapsed demand for all kinds of goods…

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Organisational Development and HR
Photo of 4 scrunched up pieces of paper and a lightbulb

Learning to be and be together: what gets missed in organisation design

In my last blog post, the second in this series of four, I began to look at the different types of learning that are involved in ultimately being able to ‘do’ Organisation Design well. I used what Maureen O’Hara and Graham Leicester offer as a frame for learning in  21st Century organisations and leadership, beginning with the first…

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Organisational Development and HR
Photo of a keyboard key that says 'Know How'

Learning to know about organisation design

In my last blog post, I considered what actually learning about Organisation Design entails, and where to focus. I began by suggesting a number of principles that might usefully underpin your approach to learning about and how to ‘do’ Organisation Design, and in this post I am going to unpack what learning really means in…

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Organisational Development and HR
Photo of a sign post saying 'well being'

Mental Health and well-being in UK organisations: managers are feeling the strain, and it’s getting tougher

Mental Health and well-being in UK organisations: managers are feeling the strain, and it’s getting tougher – Roffey Park Institute | We develop people who develop organisations Founded in 1946, Roffey Park Institute’s origins lie in improving the health and wellbeing of people at work. Since then health and wellbeing at work has grown in…

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Leadership Development
Photo of peoples hands stacked on each other

Building a workforce of diverse talent

Meysam Poorkavoos and Ana Karakusevic What does the future hold for the workplace?  We can’t step into a time machine to find the answer, but we know already that automation and AI will have a huge impact and there is growing disquiet about the skills and capabilities that humans will need in the future. Research…

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Organisational Development and HR
Photo of a question mark in a post-it note pinned on the wall

So you want to learn about Organisation Design do you? Here are four organisational design principles to get you started…

The need to re-structure and change organisations has been around for centuries. Whether it be the odd Roman Emperor rearranging his palaces to fit in a new arena, Kings and Queens purging minions and installing whole new departments of acolytes, right through to football managers, Prime Ministers and Presidents (although given current trends ‘organisation’ is…

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Organisational Development and HR
Photo of a cocoon transforming into a butterfly

Transformation or Transition: treasured rhetoric and awkward realities

It was the morning after the night before. And as the mist from the National Day fireworks cleared, the roar of the jets stopped ringing in our ears, and tears at the meticulously choreographed pageant were wiped away, the word “transformation” seemed justifiably applied to Singapore. Once ridiculed as the ‘the red dot’, referring to…

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Leadership Development
Photo of the word 'facilitating' with drawings around it

Types of Organizational Development Interventions: Group facilitation

If we understand organisations as patterns of interactions, then interactions within groups and the whole organisation is at the heart of OD. For the OD practitioner’s group work, ‘awareness’ and ‘intention’ are the ‘air we breathe’ whether working with large or small groups , and whatever the purpose. ‘Awareness’ of what’s happening for you, the…

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Organisational Development and HR
Photo of a women working at her desk

Types of Organizational Development Interventions: Use of Self

There are many types of organizational development interventions that are useful for OD practitioners to have in their practice.  In our recent blog we explored the role of OD practitioner and the range of projects that they would lead from defining and implementing a corporate learning strategy through to designing value propositions or improving employee satisfaction.  For…

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Organisational Development and HR
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