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Jobs you could do with a Masters in People and Organisational Development

See the jobs offer you can work on after finishing your MSc in Organisational Development Taking a MSc in Organisational Development is a big investment in your future. You’ll learn to think in a different way, considering and tackling all the factors impeding and working for change in your organisation, and considering the human factors…

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Organisational Development and HR
Photo of people looking at post-it notes on a wall

What is an Organisation Development Practitioner?

And would you like to become one, or hire one for your organisation? Let’s start with the basics: do you know what an Organisation Development practitioner is? Back in 2015, Roffey Park’s Management Agenda survey investigated the main barriers to effective organisational development, and found the most common response was “managers don’t know what it is”. Four…

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Organisational Development and HR
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Organisational development and learning through mapping the field!

Roffey Park Institute is an international centre of excellence for organisational development with a history of defining and developing innovative organisational development practice.  This year, as part of our own ongoing practice development, we’ve created a new map of organisational development and here we interview Tom Kenward about this unique learning tool that you can download free…

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Organisational Development and HR
Photo of a brain, made out of Plasticine, charging

Use of Self

Whenever people know that I am researching the Use of Self (UoS) topic, they will inevitably share with me their view on UoS or to make inquiry as to what the concept means.    Statements or questions like the following have been very forthcoming:   “I have done a lot of inner work and pretty sure about…

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Change and Resilience
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The Science Of Successful Self-Management: 16 Crucial Factors

A guest blog by Corporate Rebels In both popular and academic management literature, self-managing teams are identified as one of the key innovations in progressive organisations. But successful self-management is not an easy task. It requires both a good grasp of the key elements, and an understanding of the factors that influence them. Recently we wrote that…

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Management Development
Photo of a peg holding up a small sign saying 'invest in yourself'

The Fundamental Things People Get Wrong About Self-Management

A guest blog by Corporate Rebels Self-management, self-organization, self-governing. These terms seem to become more and more trendy by the day. Not only in the organizational design world, but also increasingly in the mainstream media. This shouldn’t be surprising. Because who doesn’t want to work in a workplace where employees can decide everything by themselves? Or…

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Organisational Development and HR
Photo of a man selecting the word 'skills' with his finger as if the photo is touch screen

Essential skills for HR Business Partners

HR Business Partnering is a widely accepted approach in today’s organisations.  HR Business Partners must focus intently on the organisational goals of delivering value, driving change and stakeholder satisfaction.  Here in our infographic we outline ten essential skills they need to be effective. Download the infographic as a pdf HR business partner skills development programme:…

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Organisational Development and HR
Photo of the word HR surrounded by arrows pointing at it

What are effective HR Business Partner Skills?

When working with groups of HR business partners on our HR business partner training programmes, we usually start with discussion about what exactly is the role of an HR business partner followed by  a self-assessment of essential skills. What is an HR business partner? There are many definitions of an HR business partner.  In 2008…

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Organisational Development and HR
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HR Business Partnering Guide

At Roffey Park Institute we have been helping organisations with HR business partnering for many years. They have benefited from our experience of best practice for HR business partnering, our expertise in implementing the approach and in developing HRBP professionals, and our understanding of how to develop, implement and maintain an effective HR business partner…

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Organisational Development and HR
Photo of someone stood by a yellow line that says 'future'

The future for HR is agile, systemic and here

A systems thinking definition In a recent article for HR Magazine Paul Walley gave a useful definition of systemic thinking as: “an approach to problem-solving that sees complex entities as a series of components with each part interacting with and influencing the rest. The approach can be applied to managing organisations: the various divisions, units and teams…

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Organisational Development and HR
Photo of a hand holding a large red ladder leading up towards the sky

What is organization development?

A definition of Organization Development Organization Development (OD) is the work of facilitating organisational success, by aligning structural, cultural and strategic realities of work to respond to the needs of an ever-evolving business climate. This involves facilitating a deep connection between the best business processes and structures on the one hand, and the people working…

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Organisational Development and HR
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Where Organisation Development Thrives

This paper was the winning entry in the 2017 research competition.  Written by Gervase Bushe, Professor of Leadership and Organization Development at the Beedie School of Business, Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, the paper explores the proposition that OD only thrives under specific change conditions and is particularly well suited to certain kinds of issues. It…

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Organisational Development and HR
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