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Virtual Open Programme

Leading Organisational Change

Over 70% of change initiatives fail to deliver their expected outcomes. Unlike traditional change management methods that separate design and implementation, our peoplecentred, iterative approach employs a highly participative, inclusive, and collaborative process. This results in quality solutions and fosters a sense of change being ‘done with’ rather than ‘done to’ stakeholders.

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We understand that highly collaborative approaches, which place people at the heart of change and consider its psychological impact, are more resourceintensive initially but are more likely to deliver lasting benefits.

Through this programme, leaders, OD, and HR professionals will develop the skills and confidence to lead and manage change in an inclusive, effective, and sustainable manner, ultimately enabling individuals and organisations to achieve what truly matters.  

The Roffey Park approach to leading organisational change, honed through real-world experience across the public, private, and third sectors, is:

  • Participative, inclusive, collaborative co-design.  
  • Combining design and implementation to produce quality solutions and a sense of shared ownership.  
  • Engaging a diverse cross-section of employees and stakeholders across the organisational ecosystem.  
  • Structured yet accommodating the psychological aspects of change.  

Who is this course for?

Your position or job role is:
  • Change Manager  
  • Organisational Development Manager  
  • Organisational Effectiveness Manager  
  • Head of Transformation  
  • Head of Strategy  
  • People Directors and Executive Leaders of SMEs responsible for change 
Your experience:
  • Some experience working on change projects.  
This course is for you if you are involved in projects like: 
  • Process redesign as part of improving your service to customers 
  • Becoming more adaptable and flexible in the face of a changing competitive or external environment 
  • Digital transformation projects such as rolling out new CRM, finance or HR systems 
  • Staff engagement and culture improvement projects such as creating or implementing a new values and behaviours framework 
  • HR initiatives, for instance implementing a new performance management process 
  • Strategic implementation, restructure or reorganisation of business units or at enterprise level 
  • Shifting to new ways of working, hybrid or return to office 
  • Projects around acquiring and retaining talent and future skills 
  • Any change or transformation involving a complex web of stakeholders 


  • Understand why people-centred change aligned with organisational strategy is effective.​
  • Learn skills and techniques to involve and empower stakeholders.​
  • Develop a common language for change within your organisation.​
  • Align and motivate stakeholders by empowering them to contribute to the decision-making process.​
  • Reduce feelings of frustration with stalled change projects.​
  • Enhance your understanding of the psychological impacts of change.​
  • Improve the effectiveness of change initiatives in meeting strategic objectives.​
  • Demonstrate EDI (Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion) in action.​
  • Create a sense of safety and the conditions for innovation.​
  • Address resistance to change and change fatigue.​
  • Encourage stakeholders to actively embrace rather than endure change.​
  • Reduce project risk with improved governance.​
  • Develop the capability to sustain change independently.​

Course Outline


The course 3 half day modules.

 All virtual half-day sessions run from 9:30am until 13:00 UK time

Day 1

1 July 2025

Day 2

2 July 2025

Day 3

3 July 2025



Technology was once used to facilitate the virtual delivery of our open programmes. Now, technology is used to enhance your learning journey. Through our progressive learning experience programme, MyRoffeyPark, learners have access to the tools, module materials and support whenever and wherever they require – including prework, mindtools and a platform to connect with their peers as well as their facilitators.

At Roffey Park, our purpose is to work with you to support real and sustainable growth; this is not limited solely to face-to-face but through virtual learning, development and consultancy also.


*The price excludes VAT.

We offer a limited number of discounted places to registered charities.

Please contact our client services to find out more.

We can also deliver the Leading Organisational Change course as either an in-house programme for teams or as part of a wider, tailored development programme. For more information please contact us.

Book this Open Programme

Still have questions?

If you would like further information regarding consultancy and tailored work, or any general queries about our courses and qualifications contact us using the button below.

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